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Drawing is about how you see your environment and how to put it on paper the way you want it.


At the Trout lake Drawing Club through five, 90 minute classes we will explore the different ways to construct, execute and complete a series of finished drawings. 


We will work together using pencil through paper and a series of exercises that will strengthen your drawing and help you compose your drawings the way you want them.
Drawing should be a relaxing 
as well arewarding experience. Classes will provide the proper environment for students to focus on the subject that will provide the best drawing has to offer.


Classes are always relaxed and friendly. 

The experience behind the school is a history of fine art, portrait drawing, print making, animation, film making as well as app construction. With school experience, from the Vancouver Academy of Art and Vancouver Film School as well as on the job work experience the school offers much diversity.
We offer a unique setting at a reasonable price for anyone to be able to further their drawing to a level they are happy with.


A classical way of studying drawing is our main focus and in the end will give student a new way to view and execute their drawings. 


Trout Lake Drawing Club located at the south end of Trout Lake in Beautiful British Columbia Canada is a relaxed way to further your drawing abilities to the direction you want to take it.

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